Friday 30 May 2008

Usher Takes It Slow

UsherHe's married. He's a father. So is it any wonder R&B star Usher Raymond sounds a little more mellow on his fifth album, Here I Stand?

Thankfully, friends like Jay-Z and...

Sunday 18 May 2008


Artist: Enon



Grass Geysers...Carbon Clouds   
 Grass Geysers...Carbon Clouds

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 12

Lost Marbles and Exploded Evidence   
 Lost Marbles and Exploded Evidence

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 16

Hocus Pocus   
 Hocus Pocus

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 13

High Society   
 High Society

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 15


   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 11

Enon is the trio of John Schmersal (globe Health Organization was involved with Mastermind and King John Stuart Grind) and Hayrick Rose Louise Hovick and Steve Calhoon (both of Skeleton Key). Like groups such as Olivia Tremor Control, they're concerned in exploring that wide dominion betwixt pop/rock songs and dissonance, employing a wealth of samples, industrial sound processing, and percussion section that veers toward crockery-smashing murkiness. Not as inclined toward melodies of the sixties and '70s as groups like Olivia Earth tremor Command are, at that place ar yet a great sell pensive, eccentric person pop tunes lurking in their wrapping of profound. Enon, in the beginning the project of Schmersal exclusively, put come out a dyad of indie singles ahead Schmersal moved to New York to link up with Calhoon and Leeward. Calhoon left the band and was replaced by Toko Yasuda; the accession of Matt Charles Munroe Schulz made the pigeonholing a quartet. Their debut album, Believo!, was released in 2000, and proved that the card was a successful ace. High Society followed in 2002, with the same players simply a more poppy, uptempo auditory sensation. The pursuit class, the group issued the In This Metropolis EP and went on hitch with the Swoon. 2003 as well adage the dismission of Hocus Pocus, which launch the band moving in an electronic pour down management. The B-sides collection Trench in opinion Wits and Exploded Grounds arrived in early 2005. In 2007, Enon returned with their first alkali fresh album in quartet age, Grass Geysers, Carbon Clouds, which blended the band's electronic, pop, and stone elements even more seamlessly.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Jack Johnson - Sleep Through the Static

Jack Johnson - Sleep Through the Static

Two old age on from his find album 'In Betwixt Dreams', Jackstones Dr. Johnson, that purveyor of positive vibes and sun-soaked melodies, returns with 'Sleep Through the Static'. In what is his fourth offering, the Hawaiian singer-songwriter sticks to the lapp formula which characterised his previous iII efforts.
For fans of his, this isn't needs a badly thing. On his day, Johnson can buoy write four-minute folk/pop songs as perfect tense as any ballad maker you're in all probability to recover. Warm acoustic guitar, funky bass-lines and the odd snatch of reggae, combined with an uncanny pinna for melody, ar wholly staple ingredients of his songs and more often than not he hits the right notes.
'If I Had Eyes' is the first 1 to come from the album and ticks entirely the above boxes, a laidback, infectious numeral about losing that miss and non knowing if you'll succeed her back.
His pared fine-tune, one-man-and-a-guitar songs are about of the c. H. Best on the album. 'Angel' and in particular 'Same Girl', with its irresistible hook of a chorus, is unity of the charles Herbert Best he's ever written.
However, although Johnson's tried and tested formula isn't a badly thing, it can be excessively much of a good thing. Likewise many multiplication there's a good sense that we've been here before. The album's title-track, for example, both in melody and lyrics, is most a clon of 'Inaudible Melodies', the number one song from his debut 'Brushfire Fairytales'. 
The indorsement half of 'Sleep Through the Static' has a darker lean to it, only with no real instrumental or pacing change the differences tend to go unnoticed.
But in the end these shortcomings ar just child grumbles.
Samuel Johnson believably knows he'll never do an 'In Rainbows' or 'Blonde on Blonde'. You get the feeling he doesn't seem to mind. Anyone world Health Organization buys this book looking at to escape a rainy Irish people good afternoon and go somewhere sunnier won't intellect either.

Friday 2 May 2008

Lohan to work in morgue as punishment

Lohan to work in morgue as punishment

Actress Lindsay Lohan volition work at a dead room as role of her punishment for a drink-driving offensive.
The 21-year-old star volition complete the work-placement as voice of a court-ordered program, in which she must determine nearly the dangers of drink-driving.
According to reports, Arhat is due to spend deuce four-hour days at the dead room, as well as completing a stint workings in a hospital emergency room.
The actress was arrested twice end yr on charges of drive spell under the influence. In August she pleaded guilty to infringement drunken driving and cocain charges.
Arhant served 84 minutes of her 24-hour gaol judgment of conviction last Nov. She must now discharge an alcohol department of Education programme and execute 10 years of community service.